Wool Wheelchair Cover:
Advantages and Tips for Care

A wool wheelchair cover used over a seat cushion offers an extra element of comfort. It helps keep the body warmer in cooler temperatures, and cooler in warm environments. Armrest covers can also offer cushioned relief for wheelchair users and the plush merino wool provides an extremely soft surface.

Wool is the "choice" in the construction of many wheelchair covers, cushions, and armrest covers because of its softness and insulating qualities.

The outer cells of the fiber repel water while the inner cells absorb moisture.

Wool is highly absorbent and can retain up to 25 percent of its weight in moisture. As wool slowly absorbs moisture from the air, the wheelchair cover or other wool item becomes warmer to the person.

Wool will take on a lot of moisture before it feels damp and dries slowly so it doesn’t chill the user by drying too quickly. Because of fiber’s tendency to retain moisture, it is naturally flame-retardant.

Crutch Covers and Crutch Hand Grips

Mediwool crutch covers and crutch hand grip covers offer relief when using crutches for an extended period of time. Metal adjustable crutches come with foam padding that is far easier on the user than the older wooden crutches. Yet they still do not offer enough padding for bearing one's body weight with the arm pit and palm.

More About Wool and Caring for Your Items

There are different types of wool sources. Alpaca and llama wool is stronger, softer and lighter than most sheep's wool. Though, sheep's wool is more readily available.

Llama and alpaca wools are usually grown in controlled environments without herbicides and the animals are not dipped in pesticide baths. No chemicals, dyes or bleaches are used during the processing and this type of wool does not contain lanolin or grease.

The only drawback from choosing a wool cover, garment or blanket, is its propensity to be eaten by some insects, including moth larvae and carpet beetles. Yet there are easy preventative measures to keep insects away.

Simply keep your wool items clean and use deterrents like cedar wood and wicker baskets when storing for an extended period of time. Use cotton bags that can be seals for storing your wools.

The cotton allows the textile to breathe; while, plastic bags and tight sealing containers encapsulate moisture that can lead to mildew or mold.

This article was written by Gregg Hall of Jans Bedding.

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